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3,000+ positive eBay reviews!


We love customers! OK, it's a cliché, everyone says it but we mean it, we really do! Customers are our lifeblood, customers pay our bills and we want our customers to be treated better than we'd expect to be treated. Every now and again, we like to blow our own trumpet and today is one of those days. We're now at 3,226 (and growing) positive feedback on eBay and remember, we're always cheaper on the website (as much as we love eBay, we prefer to give our customers better prices by coming direct and cutting out those pesky eBay fees).

Remember, as a small business, we can go the extra mile to serve our customers in a way that our high street competitors can't or won't so any questions or requests you may have, no matter how obscure, just ask away and the worst we can say is no.



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